MECSI: Evaluation model for internal service quality




internal customer, methodology, model, quality service, service measurement


The measure of service to external clients was one of the principal foci in studies of service in the eighties, while the measure of service to internal clients went unattended although multiple studies have highlighted its visible effect on the satisfaction of final clients (external). This study seeks to pay attention to that reality and propose 1) a model for conceptualizing the phenomenon of internal service and 2) a methodology for evaluating the quality of service to internal clients which can be used in any kind of organization, independent of its product (goods or services), size, or industry. The development of the methodology rests on a review of the literature, in research into the current practices of various companies, on the experience of researchers who have developed similar systems in various organizations, and on the use of the Research-Action model (apply the model and correct it based on experience). The result is a simple and practical methodology which allows specialists to choose the internal services they mean to evaluate (and eventually improve), identify the clients, develop and apply instruments and mechanisms for evaluating the level of service, and finally to deploy actions for improvement. It offers recommendations for application and key questions that can help the user apply it effectively at every step. It also describes a pilot implementation to clarify and demonstrate its effectiveness.


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How to Cite

Balmori Mastachi, G., & Flores Juárez, J. B. (2014). MECSI: Evaluation model for internal service quality. Innovaciones De Negocios, 11(22), 191–213.