Impact of the telecommunications in the management of the public institutions of higher education of Mexico: A model of structural equations


  • Alberto Zambrano Elizondo Autonomous University of Nuevo León image/svg+xml
  • María de Jesús Araiza Vázquez Autonomous University of Nuevo León image/svg+xml
  • José Fernando Hernández González National Technological Institute of Mexico image/svg+xml
  • Juan Humberto Vela Quintero National Technological Institute of Mexico image/svg+xml



management, process, structural equation model, telecommunications


The present research had as objective to know information regarding the level of relation of the telecommunications and the user and financial management in the educational institutions of higher level (IES) in Mexico, through a structural equations model. The methodology to know the impact of telecommunications in the management of users and financial management consisted of conducting surveys with 28 questions to a sample of 34 public universities in Mexico. The application of the same was of induced character, and of structured form with questions mostly by a Likert scale. Three hypotheses were formulated that we considered fundamental. To verify, a model of structural equations was designed with the telecommunications service, internal process management, user management and financial management as constructs. With data from the surveys, a cross-sectional database was created and introduced to specialized statistical analysis software called Smart PLS V. 2.0 (M3). The results of the statistical model show that the telecommunications service provided by IHEs in Mexico has a strong relationship with the management of internal processes and this in turn has a very strong relationship with user management and financial management. It is generally concluded that telecommunications that exist in public IES have a strong influence on user management and financial management supported by Internal Process Management.


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How to Cite

Zambrano Elizondo, A., Araiza Vázquez, M. de J., Hernández González, J. F., & Vela Quintero, J. H. (2016). Impact of the telecommunications in the management of the public institutions of higher education of Mexico: A model of structural equations. Innovaciones De Negocios, 13(26), 239–272.