Theoretical proposal of the factors driving imports of processed foods in food companies
driving factors, import, processed foods, theoriesAbstract
Imports are an element that allow the company to support the main goals it wants to achieve in order to have competitive products, because, if they are carried out taking into account several aspects that allow it to facilitate the process and improve costs, they help to increase the productivity of the company creating a competitive advantage. Therefore, this research is a theoretical proposal of factors involved in the importation of products that, when are implemented, they can speed up and improve importation process. The objectives of this article consist primarily in showing the picture of the processed food industry worldwide, in Mexico and particularly in Nuevo Leon, followed by analysis of the theoretical aspects allowing substantiate the critical factors that make possible to boost imports: the international price, the required quality, the foreign availability of imported product, the confidence in international suppliers, the knowledge of the rules for customs clearance and the logistics capacity of the importing company. By defining these factors is intended to develop and implements in the future a quantitative measurement instrument to obtain results of the importance of these six variables on boosting imports of processed food in food companies in Nuevo Leon.
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