PyMes: tomorrow´s big organizations, is ISO a today´s solution?




Certification, Implementation, ISO 9000, Pymes


In this article, we demonstrate the relevance for the companies in terms of maintaining a high competitive ability with their peers, and taking into account the requirement of their clients, trying to procure better tools based upon their financial capabilities, with particular emphasis on PyMes (small and medium-sized companies). This arises from the fact that in order to grow for a company; it should take into account the commitment and variation in this regard, in their clients. In this article the growth options of PyMes based upon the search for standardization, certification and the implementation of their processes with the aid of standard norms such as ISO 9000 are highlighted. This process should be on the basis of the level of the commitment of all their employees, as in the absence of such commitments, such processes will be viewed as unnecessary costs which will not help the growth of the company.


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How to Cite

Placeres, A., Rodríguez, O., & Ruiz, M. (2006). PyMes: tomorrow´s big organizations, is ISO a today´s solution?. Innovaciones De Negocios, 3(6), 281–299.