The concept of leadership in history before systemic administration




administration, characteristics, Leadership, systemic


In this article a literature review on the topic of leadership is presented, including the historical background of the term and how it has changed depending on the paradigm that dominated in every period of time. An analysis of the types of leadership under a systemic administration and the type of challenges faced by the leader is conducted. Similarly, two main subjects are analyzed, the first deals with the types of leadership that exist, and the second deals on the characteristics of leaders, the above based on the viewpoint of different authors. With the information
obtained a table was created. It shows the relationship between the two subjects, in which for each type of leader, leadership characteristics are listed. As a result, the main features are identified by the authors and considered relevant and essential for a leader.


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How to Cite

Pantoja Aguilar, M. P., & Suarez Durán, F. M. (2017). The concept of leadership in history before systemic administration. Innovaciones De Negocios, 14(27), 107–127.