Determinants of Administrative Intensity in Public Research Centers: longitudinal analysisc




administrative intensity, specialization, productivity, public research centers


Traditionally, administrative intensity has been treated in the literature as a onedimensional concept determined by the size of the organization. However, in this work it is considered that administrative intensity is multidimensional, since there are different variables that determine it. A longitudinal quantitative methodology was used through panel data (2010-2020) corresponding to the
Public Research Centers. This research focused on three aspects of administrative intensity. First, it was analyzed through linear regression if the
administrative intensity ratio measures and the size of the organization distort or skew the results to analyze the economies of administrative scale. These ratio measures were shown to have correct implications and support the theory of administrative economies of scale related to the size of the organization. Second, the effects of three determinants of administrative intensity
(organization size, functional differentiation, and specialization) were identified. Size had a negative effect on administrative intensity but adding the quadratic term to the size variable shows a non-linear relationship. Functional differentiation had a positive effect on administrative intensity. The relationship between administrative intensity and specialization was positive. Finally, administrative intensity had a positive effect on productivity. This research shows empirical evidence with practical implications for the organizational policies of Public Research Centers.


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How to Cite

Nava Galván, C. E., & Palma, A. P. (2021). Determinants of Administrative Intensity in Public Research Centers: longitudinal analysisc. Innovaciones De Negocios, 18(35), 45–74.



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