Analysis of the Public Sector's Revenue Budget Generated From the Federal Government's Tax and Oil Revenue, and Its Impact on the Gross Domestic Product
oil revenue, taxation income, gross domestic product, multiple linear regressionAbstract
The following document expresses the analysis performed on the federal government tax and petroleum income employing a Multiple Linear Regression model and based on historic information data from 1993 to the year 2019. This
analysis overlooks the affect the aforementioned income has on the Gross Domestic Product of Mexico. The realized model has sufficient statistical evidence to acknowledge a 90% confidence ratio in relation to the Positive
impact that it shows on the Gross Domestic Product, thus any alteration would show a change in the income of the Gross Domestic Product. The main contribution of this article is to present a statistical model as an instrument of economic analysis for the country, consistent with the historical conditions of the above-mentioned income and its relevance to the national economy
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