Ecuadorian footwear companies are committed to internationalization through the acquisition of technologies and the training of their workforce




Internationalization, Footwear Industry, Associativity, Technology, Training


MSMEs represent one of the business activities that promote economic and social development, so countries seek to create productive initiatives that allow them to focus on international markets and thus generate sources of employment as part of their value chain. Thus, the objective of this research is to determine the factors that promote the internationalization processes of MSMEs in the footwear sector through the integration of an associativity model in Ecuador. It is a non-experimental study, quantitative, descriptive, correlational and explanatory. A questionnaire was designed to evaluate the behavior of these companies in relation to the proposed variables and their influence on internationalization, and it was applied to 79 shoe manufacturers. The results show that acquiring technology and training the workforce are positively related to the internationalization process, while the variables that do not contribute significantly were product innovation, possibly due to the lack of supply that is based on the volumes of production; and the support of the triple helix where it could be considered that there is a lack of support on the part of the different governmental bodies and there is little insertion of the academy in the processes that promote internationalization. Finally, it should be noted that it was found that a large part of these companies are run by women who do not show bachelor's level studies.


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How to Cite

Astudillo Arias, P. Y., Blanco Jiménez, M., & Astudillo Luzuriaga, P. (2022). Ecuadorian footwear companies are committed to internationalization through the acquisition of technologies and the training of their workforce. Innovaciones De Negocios, 19(37), 84–104.



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