Management competencies of executives that influence the fulfillment of goals of SMEs in the textile sector in Cuenca, Ecuador
PyMES, Liderazgo, Motivación, Análisis Factorial, Regresión LinealAbstract
It is essential to characterize the independent variables as specific competencies to perform administrative and managerial activities to satisfactorily meet organizational objectives. This article seeks to identify the management competencies of managers that achieve the fulfillment of the goals of SMEs in the textile industry in the city of Cuenca, identifying the incidence of leadership, motivation, and teamwork in the fulfillment of SME goals. In this manner, it seeks to facilitate the managers of SMEs in the manufacturing industry, the administrative management for the fulfillment of goals with a competency approach, so that they can improve their administrative performance and consequently the level of fulfillment of their goals. This research uses a quantitative approach because data is collected to test hypotheses based on numerical measurement, it also has an exploratory scope of descriptive type with correlational research. To this end, factor analysis is developed in which latent variables are identified from the variables of the leadership, motivation, and teamwork dimensions. Subsequently, through a linear regression model, the effect or influence of the latent variables on the achievement of goals is identified, determining that articulation between the leader and the work team (interactive leadership) positively influences the achievement of goals, as does the articulation between the leader and the individual leader (individual motivation
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