Empirical Study of the Relevant Factors in the Startups Valuation Methodology


  • Enrique Higuera Externo




startups, valuation, venture capital


Startups present a challenge in valuation because they usually do not have financial or operational history and have characteristics that are unique. This study is focused on developing a comprehensive valuation model for startups that still do not generate income that includes qualitative factors that help venture capital investors to assign a value to them. For the development of the model, the most relevant qualitative factors of existing methodologies are taken into account, with the aim of comparing the results obtained with the different methods. It is concluded that the existing methodologies contain a high level of subjectivity, and the proposed model manages to reduce this through the incorporation of a greater number of factors


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How to Cite

Higuera, E. (2022). Empirical Study of the Relevant Factors in the Startups Valuation Methodology. Innovaciones De Negocios, 19(37), 56–88. https://doi.org/10.29105/revin19.37-392