Analysis of motivations, factors of success and obstacles to the Business spirit: comparative study between Mexico, USA and Turkey
Analysis of Motivations, Business Spirit, Entrepreneur, Factors of Success, Obstacles, Small and Medium EnterprisesAbstract
The present investigation, it has the purpose of announcing a comparative study worldwide between the countries of Mexico, the USA and Turkey, which intention is to discover of that it forms the businessmen, in similar situations they have been studied especially in the following three aspects: Factors Motivational, Factors of Success and the Barriers that the businessmen face in his companies. A businessman /entrepreneur, is a person who lives a process of continuous innovations. Right at the moment it stops making them it’s not an entrepreneur anymore, even if he continues as a businessman. Under this context and following Pereira (2003), the spirit of the businessman/entrepreneur is focused in the individual including its psychological, cultural and economical dimensions, more than in its preponderant activity. Looking for the factors that explain the variations of the entrepreneur phenomenon, the first studies are focused in the personal characteristics that differentiate the entrepreneurs from the ones that are not. But thanks to the diversity and complexity of the entrepreneur reality, the results are not very productive. Gartner (1985) explains that the
complexity and variety of entrepreneurs make impossible to achieve characterize an average entrepreneur and by this the construction of a common theorical base to this subject (Bygrave, 1989). Answering this situation, Bygrave and Hofer (1991) Proposed the delimitation of the field of knowledge of entrepreneur spirit being amplified and besides of the study of personal characteristics and functional of the entrepreneur including the study of the entrepreneur process and its characteristics. These authors proposed to considerate the entrepreneur process as functions, activities and actions associated with the perception of opportunity and the creations of the organization to take advantage of. As beginning point, Gartner (1985) proposed to considerate the essential elements of the entrepreneur study: a) the environment b) the characteristics of the individual, c) the process and d) the Organization
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