Levels of quality in instruction from the perspective of student satisfaction: A study of mixed method research





Instruction, Moodle Platform, Online Course, Quality Education, Student´S Satisfaction


The following research analyzes the levels of instructional design using DPIPE (Design, Production, Implementation, Publication & Evaluation). The platform applied is Moodle on the online course called “Competencias Globales”. The mix methodology in this study shows the level of satisfaction from students according to surveys, semi-structured interviews and online discussion groups conducted. Results and analysis from quantitative and qualitative data are presented as well as implication for further research projects suggested.


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How to Cite

Kutugata Estrada, A., Tamez Herrera, C., Barragán Codina, J. N., & Pérez Gorostieta, L. M. (2011). Levels of quality in instruction from the perspective of student satisfaction: A study of mixed method research. Innovaciones De Negocios, 8(16), 295–333. https://doi.org/10.29105/rinn8.16-5