Sustainable development: fundamentals, prespectives & limitations




Development, Ecology, Economy, Politics, Social


The basic philosophy, notions and concepts of sustainable development are laid out and the socioeconomic, political and ecological disasters that threaten the entire humanity are stressed. The huge differences among the developed, poor and developping countries are cotrasted. The failed intents of the conciencious man, since the Declaration of Stockholm (1972), in search of solutions to the environmental problems are pointed out, and the interests of the superpower conglomerates as a hinderance to the advancement of the sustainable development are mentioned. The indices of the sustainable development are mentioned with a particular emphasis on the estimation of some factors such as the education, health, poverty, the enviroment and the ecology. The concept of biodiversity is defined and the current mathematical models for its estimation are noted


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How to Cite

Badii, M. H. (2004). Sustainable development: fundamentals, prespectives & limitations. Innovaciones De Negocios, 1(2), 199–227.