Comparative analysis of the innovation of mexican and foreign companies in the pharmaceutical sector
pharmaceutical companies, pharmaceutical innovation, research and development (R&D)Abstract
Pharmaceutical innovation is the basis of the health sector, since it constantly improves the quality of life of the human being. Schumpeter have influenced notably the theories of innovation, stating that economic development is driven by it, speaking of the dynamic process in which new technologies replace the old ones and that feed the process of change. On the other hand, the Research and Development (R&D) process manages the returns on investment, allowing demonstrating how profitable the innovation process can be. In Mexico, the signs of innovation have remained on the side of foreign companies, while Mexican companies have settled for the majority of the generic market. This quantitative study collects data on the perception of experts in the pharmaceutical field, mostly students of the biotechnology pharmaceutical chemistry career at the Universidad del Valle de México, in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, using surveys based on the OECD manuals for innovation and R&D, comparing both the quality of innovation and the R & D process in Mexican companies and foreign companies. The perception of the students intuits the current context of the pharmaceutical industry in Mexico. The study shows a great relationship between the variables and a disparity of perception between foreign and Mexican companies.
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