Organizational factors that influence on work stress of teaching staff of universities in the Metropolitan Area of Monterrey
job stress, higher education, work overload, job insecurityAbstract
Having a paid job is, for most people's work, a source of economic security, status, well-being and health. It gives meaning to their lives, but at times it can be a physical and / or mental burden, and a source of frustration, conflict, disappointment, physical and mental discomfort, and even death (Lundberg & Cooper, 2011). These discomforts are sometimes referred to as job pressure, or better known as job stress (Wainwright & Calnan, 2002). The purpose of this
study is to analyze how five specific organizational factors impact on the job stress of teaching staff in higher education institutions in the Metropolitan Area of Monterrey. The results that will be obtained from this research will serve the
universities for the planning of strategies to prevent work stress, which has negative consequences at the individual and organizational level.
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