Patent registration for the measurement of innovation in universities: bibliometric analysis
análisis bibliométrico, Educación Superior, Innovación, PatentesAbstract
The importance of patent registration constitutes the basis for the development of competitiveness and technological production indicators in educational organizations. There have been many changes in the way that universities respond to the needs of society, where scientific and technological activities are a main pillar in this context. Higher Education Institutions (HEI) develop new methods for technology transfer, which can be included and available in undergraduate, orientation, tutoring and postgraduate programs, as well as to be available to society in general. These have become generators of research in innovation processes that impact all sectors and one of their main indicators for measurement is the registration of patents. Based on the results, it is determined that the key elements for universities in innovation issues are publications and patent registration, since they generate applied knowledge. Therefore, the purpose of this work is to carry out an analysis from a bibliometric perspective, to find out the contents of the documents that help to determine the registration of patents as a measurement in innovation.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Omar Guillermo Arriaga Cárdenas, Paola del Carmen Lara Magaña, José Sánchez Gutiérrez

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