Green marketing factors that impact the decision to purchase green products in university students in the northern part of Mexico
Green consumer, Green marketing, Green price, Green product, Purchase decisionAbstract
The objective of this research is to analyze the impact of the green marketing factors: Green Product, Green Price, Green Place and Green Promotion on the Decision to purchase green products of university students from one of the universities in northern Mexico. To achieve the objective, a documentary, explanatory, correlational and quantitative methodology of non-experimental and cross-sectional design was used, a questionnaire of 35 questions was applied to 135 university students from which 102 questionnaires were selected, obtaining an interval of confidence of 95% and a margin of error of 10%. The results revealed that the green marketing factor that most strongly impacts the purchasing decision of university students is Green Place, followed by Green Promotion, Green Product and Green Price. All factors were shown to be strongly correlated with the purchase decision, it is concluded that the green marketing factors: Green Product, Green Price, Green Place and Green Promotion positively impact the purchasing decision of university students.
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