A New Perspective in Teaching methodology and reading professional texts of EMPP/ESP for medical and paramedical purposes in Iran





EMPP, ESP, Methodology, Teaching


Entering a new millennium, we have to feel that the ability and the need to understand and communicate with each other has become increasingly important, at times even urgent. An international exchange of ideas seems to be not only essential but also vital. To meet these communication needs, more and more individuals have highly specific academic and professional reasons for seeking to improve their language skills particularly ESP which holds particular appeals to adults.


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How to Cite

Pazhakh, A. (2004). A New Perspective in Teaching methodology and reading professional texts of EMPP/ESP for medical and paramedical purposes in Iran. Innovaciones De Negocios, 1(1), 55–79. https://doi.org/10.29105/rinn1.1-3