Integrated marketing communication strategy for an NGO with educational approach
altruistic organizations, college students integrated marketing communications, donors, education, NGOAbstract
Alianza Para La Educación México A.C is a non-governmental, non-profit organization founded in 2008 and established in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, México. Its mission is to be an agent of change in society working with individuals and institutions, providing resources and tools for students living in adverse economic conditions, so they can have access to college and postgraduate education. The need to attract more donations is imperative considering that each year new students are integrated into the program and the costs are becoming more difficult to cover. This research aims to develop an integrated marketing communication strategy with the purpose of helping the organization to raise funds. The research methodology consisted of several deep interviews to different audiences related to the work of the organization, the audiences were: private foundations, individuals as donors, corporate social responsibility offices from well-known companies, and college students awarded with scholarships. The main recommendations for the organization derived from this research are: to have an active board of directors, the development and implementation of a website where donors can monitor the performance of the organization through general reports, to implement a public relations program that will allow to expand the efforts through strategic alliances, and to raise awareness among the students about the importance of giving back to Alianza para la Educación México A.C.
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