Quality of services university: A perception from their actors in a business school
Higher Education, Perception, Quality, serviceAbstract
This study aimed to evaluate the quality of university services in business school at a public university of Mexico from the perspective of its actors (students and teachers). To get to their results, a SERVQUAL scale was used with some adjustments, which is an instrument of multiple items that were originally developed to measure customer insights regarding the quality of service. The instrument consists of 22 phrases that measure customer expectations and 22 similar phrases that measure customer perception and service quality is established by the difference of scores that the customer assigns to their expectations and perceptions.
Questions that serve to other aspects of the university service were incorporated to this instrument, they are related with the conciliation of programs, learning assessment and the effectiveness of administrative processes. The scale of 42 variables that measure the quality of services and conditions of the institution to offer them, was applied to a sample of 446 students and 64 teachers, they reflect the efforts and resources invested by the faculty in teacher training and equipment offered in learning practices are highly valued by students.
Besides, on differences in perceptions between students and teachers, it is shown that the students are claimant protagonists of quality in services and the raison d’etre of any educational institution
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