Design, validity, and reliability of an evaluation instrument to measure the causal factors of Burnout Syndrome and engagement mediation
Burnout, engagement, health professionals, organizational factors, quality of lifeAbstract
Burnout Syndrome (BS) is a result of chronic work stress, which generates physical, psychological, and organizational consequences. Several studies have shown the danger that health professionals run from being victims of BS, therefore, the importance of evaluating health organizations. The objective of this study was to determine the validity and reliability of an evaluation instrument that measures the causal factors of Burnout Syndrome and the mediation of engagement.
Cross-sectional study developed in health professionals. Carried out in two stages, the first stage consisted of content validity by experts from the area of Human Capital and the second stage was the evaluation of the reliability of the
instrument through the statistical method of Cronbach's Alpha. The results showed that this tool is valid and reliable to be applied on a larger scale, since the statistical values of Cronbach's Alpha were higher than 0.7 and all the experts
approved the scale. It was concluded that any data collection method must meet the validity and reliability requirements before proceeding with the sample collection.
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