Factors that favor the permanence of SME´s in the agroindustrial sector of the state of Nuevo León
SME, strategic planning, internal control, innovation, associativityAbstract
The role played by SME´s in Mexico is transcendental because these entities make up 99% of the country's companies, in addition, they are the main generators of employment, thus reducing poverty, generally starting from the family environment to later seek its formalization (INEGI, 2010). The environment of SME´s is highly competitive, characterized by a large number of openings of this type of company, as well as a large number of closings, in which the critical period of life of the same is within the first 5 years (INEGI, 2018). This study focuses on the permanence of MSMEs, which has been studied by different researchers due to the evolution of the environment, in addition, this variable is affected by different factors, which are a function of the branch or activity that it performs, the geographical location, the size of the company, etc., that is why the study is focused particularly on the SME´s of the Agroindustrial sector of the state of Nuevo León. This document is exploratory, explanatory and descriptive, which by reviewing the literature and empirical studies addresses the hypothesis about the positive relationship that exists between the permanence of SME´s with the variables of Strategic Planning, Internal Control, Innovation and associativity.
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